Welcome to my RPG scores section. This is how I rank every single RPG I've played in my life on a scale from 1 to 10. I will continue to add more RPGs in the future, updating the list as often as I can. It's currently from best to worst.
HOW THIS WORKS: I score on a scale from 1 to 10 the Story, Music, Graphics, Gameplay and Battle System of each game. Then multiply the total amount by 2 to get a scale of 100 (or basically 10.0). However, lowest punctuation is 5. Now, with veeeeeery FEW exceptions, anything with 7.4 and below is NOT worth playing!
Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria (PS2) 9.6
Suikoden V (PS2) 9.4
Final Fantasy IX (PS1) 9.4
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (GC) 9.4
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked (3DS) 9.4
Persona 3/Persona 3 FES (PS2) 9.4
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir (PS3/PS4/PS Vita) 9.4
Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse (3DS) 9.4
Nier Replicant (PS4) 9.4
Suikoden II (PS1/PS3) 9.4
Valkyria Chronicles (PS3/PS4) 9.4
Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn (Wii) 9.2
Trails of Cold Steel IV (PS4) 9.2
.hack/G.U. Last Recode (PS4) 9.2
Xenosaga III (PS2) 9.2
Valkyrie Profile (PS1) 9.2
Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth (PS5) 9.2
Radiant Historia (NDS/3DS) 9.2
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Record Breaker (3DS) 9
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (Switch) 9
Tales of Legendia (PS2) 9
Nier Gestalt (PS3/Xbox 360) 9
Growlanser VI: Precarious World (PS2) 9
Lost Odyssey (Xbox 360) 9
Tales of Xillia 2 (PS3) 9
Tales of Xillia (PS3) 9
Eternal Sonata (Xbox 360/PS3) 9
Trails in the Sky -Second Chapter- (PSP) 9
Trails of Cold Steel II (PS Vita) 9
Odin Sphere (PS2) 9
Final Fantasy VI (SNES/PS1) 9
Devil Survivor (NDS) 9
Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings & The Lost Ocean (GC) 9
Yakuza Like A Dragon (PS4) 9
Valkyria Chronicles 3 (PSP) 9
Xenogears (PS1) 9
The Witcher III: Wild Hunt (PS4) 9
Phantasy Star IV (Genesis) 9
Project X Zone (3DS) 9
Project X Zone 2 (3DS) 8.8
Fate/Extra (PSP) 8.8
Fire Emblem Three Houses (Switch) 8.8
Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne (PS2/PS4) 8.8
Trails of Cold Steel III (PS4) 8.8
Growlanser IV: Wayfarer of Time (PSP) 8.8
Persona 4 (PS2) 8.8
Tales of Vesperia (Xbox 360) 8.8
Final Fantasy VII (PS1) 8.8
Chrono Trigger (SNES/PS1) 8.8
Shadow Hearts: Covenant (PS2) 8.8
Valkyria Chronices 4 (PS4) 8.8
Eternal Poison (PS2) 8.8
Ragnarok Tactics (PSP) 8.8
Growlanser III: The Dual Darkness (PS2) 8.8
Ys IV: Memories of Celceta (PS Vita/PS4) 8.8
Ys Seven (PSP) 8.8
Parasite Eve (PS1) 8.8
Shin Megami Tensei IV (3DS) 8.8
Radiata Stories (PS2) 8.6
Suikoden III (PS2) 8.6
Suikoden 1 (PS1/PS3) 8.6
Namco X Capcom (PS2) 8.6
Shadow Hearts (PS2) 8.6
Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits (PS2/PS4) 8.6
Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia (3DS) 8.6
Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem (NDS) 8.6
Star Ocean The Second Story (PS1) 8.6
Redemption Reapers (PS4) 8.6
Bahamut Lagoon (SNES) 8.6
Frontier Hunter: Erza's Wheel of Fortune (PS5) 8.6
Vandal Hearts (PS1/PS3) 8.6
Vanguard Bandits (PS1/PS3) 8.6
Tales of Graces F (PS3) 8.6
Jeanne D'Arc (PSP/PS5) 8.6
SMT Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers (3DS) 8.6
Grandia III (PS2) 8.6
Grandia II (PS2/PS4) 8.6
Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals (SNES) 8.6
Star Ocean The Last Hope (PS3/Xbox 360) 8.6
Trails of Cold Steel I (PS Vita) 8.6
Lost Dimension (PS3/PS Vita) 8.6
The Legend of Dragoon (PS1) 8.6
Banner of the Maid (PS4) 8.6
Sol Trigger (PSP) 8.6
Astral Chain (Switch) 8.6
Hexyz Force (PSP) 8.6
Langrisser I&II Remakes (PS4/Switch) 8.6
Dragon Quest VIII (PS2) 8.6
Fuga Melodies of Steel (Switch) 8.6
Fuga Melodies of Steel II (Switch) 8.6
Blue Reflection 2 (PS4) 8.6
Brigandine: The Legend of Runersia (PS4) 8.4
Tales of the Abyss (PS2) 8.4
Wild ARMs 5 (PS2) 8.4
Wild ARMs 2 (PS1/PS3) 8.4
Mana Khemia 2: Fall of Alchemy (PS2) 8.4
Kartia: The Word of Fate (PS1) 8.4
Breath of Fire IV (PS1/PS3) 8.4
Ys Origin (PS4/PS Vita) 8.4
Star Ocean Till The End of Time (PS2) 8.4
Tales of Symphonia 2 (Wii) 8.4
Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War (SNES) 8.4
Arc the Lad II (PS1/PS3) 8.4
Skies of Arcadia Legends (GC) 8.4
Baten Kaitos Origins (GC) 8.4
Trails in the Sky The Third (PS Vita) 8.4
Trails in the Sky -First Chapter- (PSP) 8.4
Valkyria Revolution (PS4) 8.4
Death End Re;Quest (PS4) 8.4
Atelier Iris 2: The Azoth of Destiny (PS2) 8.4
Sakura Wars (PS4) 8.4
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim (PS4) 8.4
Xenosaga I (PS2) 8.4
Final Fantasy VIII (PS1) 8.4
Spectral Souls (PSP) 8.4
Suikoden: Woven Web of the Century (PSP) 8.4
Muramasa The Demon Blade (Wii/PS Vita) 8.4
Persona 5 Strikers (PS4/Switch) 8.4
Atelier Shallie (PS3) 8.4
The Alliance Alive (3DS) 8.4
Dragon Quest Heroes II (PS4) 8.4
Dragon Quest Heroes (PS4) 8.4
Tales of Hearts R (PS Vita) 8.4
SMT DS: Raidou Kuzunoha vs King Abaddon (PS2) 8.4
SMT DS: Raidou Kuzunoha vs the Soulless Army (PS2) 8.4
Trials of Mana Remake (Switch/PS4) 8.4
Arc Rise Fantasia (Wii) 8.4
Shining Force (Genesis/PS2/PS4) 8.4
Shining Force II (Genesis/PS2/PS4) 8.4
Growlanser II: The Sense of Justice (PS2) 8.4
I Am Setsuna (PS4) 8.4
The Legend of Nayuta (PS4) 8.4
Persona 2: Innocent Sin (PSP) 8.4
Final Fantasy X (PS2) 8.4
Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Endless Frontier (NDS) 8.4
Lost Sphear (PS4) 8.4
God Eater 3 (PS4) 8.4
Kingdom Hearts II (PS2) 8.4
Poison Control (PS4) 8.4
Nights of Azure (PS4) 8.4
Nights of Azure 2 (Switch/PS4) 8.4
Super Robot Taisen OG (GBA) 8.4
Fire Emblem Awakening (3DS) 8.2
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon (NDS) 8.2
Tales of Phantasia (PS1) 8.2
Tales of Symphonia (GC) 8.2
Magna Carta: Tears of Blood (PS2) 8.2
Trinity Souls of Zill O'll (PS3) 8.2
Zanki Zero: Last Beginning (PS4) 8.2
Generation of Chaos: Pandora's Reflection (PSP) 8.2
Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al-Revis (PS2) 8.2
Wild ARMs 3 (PS2/PS4) 8.2
Oninaki (PS4) 8.2
Folklore (PS3) 8.2
Exist Archive: The Other Side of the Sky (PS4/PS Vita) 8.2
Star Ocean First Departure (PSP) 8.2
Persona 2: Eternal Punishment (PS1) 8.2
Drakengard 3 (PS3) 8.2
Ever Oasis (3DS) 8.2
Lunar: Silver Star Harmony (PSP) 8.2
Grandia (PS1/PS4) 8.2
Wild ARMs (PS1/PS3) 8.2
Blue Dragon (Xbox 360) 8.2
Tears To Tiara II: Heir to the Overlord (PS3) 8.2
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning (PS3) 8.2
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Torna The Golden Country (Switch) 8.2
Tales of Eternia (PSP) 8.2
Ys: The Oath in Felghana (PSP) 8.2
Xenosaga II (PS2) 8.2
Ar Tonelico II: Melody of Metafallica (PS2) 8.2
Ar Tonelico: Melody of Elemia (PS2) 8.2
Sword of the Vagrant (PS4) 8.2
Phantasy Star Universe: Ambition of the Illuminus (PS2) 8.2
Phantasy Star Portable (PSP) 8.2
God Eater 2 Rage Burst (PS4) 8.2
Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim (PS2) 8.2
Suikoden IV (PS2) 8.2
Suikoden Tierkreis (NDS) 8.2
Persona Q (3DS) 8.2
Persona Q2 (3DS) 8.2
Rise Eterna (PS4) 8.2
Grand Guilds (Switch) 8.2
Soul Nomad & The World Eaters (PS2/Switch) 8.2
.hack/Mutation/Infection/Outbreak/Quarantine (PS2) 8.2
Full Metal Alchemist: Curse of the Crimson Elixir (PS2) 8.2
Atelier Escha & Logy (PS Vita) 8.2
Tokyo Xanadu (PS4/PS Vita) 8.2
Metal Max Xeno (PS4) 8.2
Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten (PS3) 8.2
Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories (PS2) 8.2
Arc the Lad (PS1/PS3) 8.2
Brave Story (PSP) 8.2
Sands of Destruction (NDS) 8.2
Granblue Fantasy Versus RPG Mode (PS4) 8.2
Ys I & II Chronicles (PSP) 8.2
Dragon Quest VII (PS1) 8.2
Lord of Magna: Maiden Heaven (3DS) 8.2
Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume (NDS) 8.2
Infinite Undiscovery (Xbox 360) 8.2
Dusk Diver (PS4) 8.2
Persona 5 Tactica (PS5) 8.2
Yggdra Union: We'll Never Fight Alone (PSP) 8.2
Legend of Mana (PS1) 8.2
SMT Digital Devil Saga (PS2) 8.2
SMT Strange Journey (DS/3DS) 8.2
Xuan Yuan Sword 7 (PS4) 8.2
Relayer (PS4) 8.2
Astria Ascending (PS4) 8.2
Stella Deus: The Gate of Eternity (PS2) 8.2
Sakuna of Rice and Ruin (PS4) 8.2
Chaos Wars (PS2) 8.2
Phantasy Star Universe (PS2) 8.2
Spectral Force 3 (Xbox 360) 8.2
Crystar (PS4) 8.2
Legend of Legaia (PS1) 8.2
God Eater Resurrection (PS4) 8.2
Shadow Hearts From The New World (PS2) 8.2
Romancing Saga: Minstrel Song (PS2) 8.2
Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom (PS4) 8.2
Shining Force EXA (PS2) 8.2
Record of Agarest War (PS3) 8.2
Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana (PS2) 8.2
Atelier Sophie (PS Vita) 8.2
Rhapsody III: Memories of Marl Kingdom (PS2/Switch) 8.2
Disgaea 5 (PS4) 8.2
CrossCode (PS4) 8.2
Cthulu Saves Christmas (Switch) 8.2
Digimon Survive (PS4) 8.2
The Longest 5 Minutes (PS Vita) 8.2
Breath of Fire (SNES/GBA) 8.2
Tear Ring Saga (PS1) 8
Suikoden Tactics (PS2) 8
Valkyria Chronicles II (PSP) 8
God Wars: Future Past (PS4/PS Vita) 8
Luminous Arc (NDS) 8
Ar NoSurge: Ode to an Unborn Star (PS3) 8
Ar Tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel (PS3) 8
Hero's Saga: Laevatein Tactics (NDS) 8
Tales of the Tempest (NDS) 8
Wild ARMs 4 (PS2) 8
Utawarerumono Zan (PS4) 8
Warsong (Genesis) 8
Final Fantasy V (PS1) 8
Stella Glow (3DS) 8
Golden Sun (GBA) 8
Onimusha Tactics (GBA) 8
Tales of Innocence (NDS) 8
The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age (PS2) 8
Magna Carta 2 (Xbox 360) 8
Phantasy Star Portable 2 (PSP) 8
The Legend of Heroes: A Tear of Vermillion (PSP) 8
Drakengard 2 (PS2) 8
White Knight Chronicles (PS3) 8
Crimson Gem Saga (PSP) 8
MegaMan Legends 2 (PS1) 8
Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology (PSP) 8
Pandora's Tower (Wii) 8
Fallen Legion: Rise to Glory (PS5/ PS Vita) 8
C.A.R.D.S. RPG: The Misty Battlefield (PS4) 8
Grand Kingdom (PS4/PS Vita) 8
Atelier Rorona (PS3) 8
Mary Skelter Nightmares (PS Vita) 8
Half Minute Hero (PSP) 8
Front Mission 3 (PS1) 8
Soul Sacrifice (PS Vita) 8
Lord of Arcana (PSP) 8
Dragon Marked For Death (Switch) 8
This Way Madness Lies (Switch) 8
Summon Night: Swordcraft Story (GBA) 8
Summon Night: Swordcraft Story 2 (GBA) 8
Bravely Default (3DS) 8
Fairy Fencer F (PS3) 8
Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars (3DS/PS Vita) 8
Shining Resonance Refrain (PS4) 8
Battle Princess of Arcadias (PS3) 8
Okage Shadow King (PS2/PS4) 8
Megaman X Command Mission (PS2/GC) 8
Thousand Arms (PS1) 8
The Mercenaries Saga II (3DS) 8
The Mercenaries Saga III (3DS) 8
Grandia Xtreme (PS2) 8
Gungnir (PSP) 8
Dragon Star Varnir (PS4) 8
Enchanted Arms (PS3) 8
Summon Night 6: Lost Borders (PS4/PS Vita) 8
Atelier Ayesha (PS3) 8
Dragon Quest VI (NDS) 8
Magical Starsign (NDS) 8
LaPucelle Tactics (PS2) 8
Rapsody II: Ballad of the Little Princess (PS1/Switch) 8
Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure (PS1/Switch) 8
7th Dragon III: Code VFD (3DS) 8
Nostalgia (NDS) 8
Grand Knights History (PSP) 8
Mystic Chronicles (PSP) 8
Revenant Saga (PS Vita) 8
Popful Mail (Sega CD) 8
Princess Minerva (SNES) 8
Disgaea: Hour of Darkness (PS2) 8
Kingdom Hearts (PS2) 8
Shiren the Wanderer (PS Vita) 8
Lost Kingdoms (GC) 8
Final Fantasy (NES) 8
Dragon Warrior (NES) 8
Phantasy Star (Master System) 8
Tales of Zestiria (PS3/PS4) 7.8
Tales of Destiny (PS1) 7.8
Children of Zodiarcs (PS4) 7.8
Xuan Yuan Sword: The Gate of Firmament (PS4) 7.8
White Knight Chronicles Origins (PSP) 7.8
Cross Edge (PS3) 7.8
The Legend of Heroes: Song of the Ocean (PSP) 7.8
Monark (PS4) 7.8
Valhalla Knights 3 (PS Vita) 7.8
Breath of Fire II (SNES) 7.8
Fallen Legion: Revenants (PS5) 7.8
Rondo of Swords (NDS) 7.8
Atelier Meruru (PS3) 7.8
Glory of Heracles (NDS) 7.8
Soulvars (PS4) 7.8
Vampyr (PS4) 7.8
Dual Hearts (PS2) 7.8
Dragon Valor (PS1) 7.8
Noob the Factionless (PS4) 7.8
Earthlock: Festival of Magic (PS4) 7.8
Summon Night 5 (PSP) 7.8
Wizardry: Tale of the Forsaken Land (PS2) 7.8
Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines (PS Vita) 7.8
Atelier Annie (NDS) 7.8
The Legend of Heroes: Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch (PSP) 7.8
The Lost Child (PS4/PS Vita) 7.8
SaGa Scarlet Grace (PS4) 7.8
The Legend of Heroes: Dragon Slayer (Turbografx 16) 7.8
Final Fantasy III (NDS) 7.8
FF Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates (NDS) 7.8
Maglam Lord (PS4) 7.8
Brain Lord (SNES) 7.8
Operation Darkness (Xbox 360) 7.8
Vandal Hearts II (PS1) 7.8
Crystalis (NES) 7.8
Jikandia: The Timeless Land (PSP) 7.8
Vagrant Story (PS1) 7.8
Drakengard (PS2) 7.8
Dark Cloud (PS2) 7.8
Fire Emblem Fates (All 3) (3DS) 7.6
Star Ocean Integrity & Faithlessness (PS4) 7.6
Edge of Eternity (PS4) 7.6
Dark Souls (PS3) 7.6
Demon's Souls (PS3) 7.6
Crymachina (PS5) 7.6
The Sword of Etheria (PS2) 7.6
Shining Tears (PS2) 7.6
Voice of Cards (Switch) 7.6
Loop8: Summer of Gods (PS4) 7.6
Brave Fencer Musashi (PS1) 7.6
Scars of Mars (Switch) 7.6
Final Fantasy Type 0 (PS4) 7.6
Kingdom of Paradise (PSP) 7.6
Tsugunai Atonement (PS2) 7.6
Opoona (Wii) 7.6
Akiba's Beat (PS Vita) 7.6
Anima: Gate of Memories (PS4) 7.6
Phantasy Star III (Genesis) 7.6
Samurai Legend Musashi (PS2) 7.6
Unchained Blades (PSP) 7.6
Threads of Fate (PS1) 7.6
Monster Kingdom: Jewel Summoner (PSP) 7.6
Circus Electrique (PS4) 7.6
Darkest Dungeon (PS4) 7.6
Kowloon High School Chronicle (Switch) 7.6
Tokyo Twilight: Ghost Hunters (PS3) 7.6
Crystal Warriors (Game Gear) 7.6
Children of Morta (PS4) 7.6
HeroLand (PS4) 7.6
Nelke & The Legendary Alchemists (PS4) 7.6
Mistover (PS4) 7.6
Dark Rose Valkyrie (PS4) 7.6
Secret of Evermore (SNES) 7.6
Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest (SNES) 7.6
Langrisser Re: Incarnation Tensei (3DS) 7.6
Light Crusader (Genesis) 7.4
LandStalker (Genesis) 7.4
Etrian Odyssey (NDS) 7.4
Legend of Ghost Lion (NES) 7.4
Tears of Avia (PS5) 7.4
Eternal Eyes (PS1) 7.4
Final Fantasy XVI (PS5) 7.4
Trails Through Daybreak (PS5) 7.4
Wild Arms XF (PSP) 7.4
Indivisible (PS4) 7.4
Koudelka (PS1) 7.4
Aretha (SNES) 7.4
Persona (PS1/PSP) 7.4
Potion Permit (PS5) 7.4
Criminal Girls (PS Vita) 7.4
Lagrange Point (NES) 7.4
Shining in the Darkness (Genesis) 7.4
Lufia & The Fortress of Doom (SNES) 7.4
Record of Agarest War Zero (PS3) 7.4
Virgo vs The Zodiac (Switch) 7.2
Blue Dragon Plus (NDS) 7.2
Souls of Chronos (Switch) 7.2
Crimson Shroud (3DS) 7.2
SaGa Frontier (PS1) 7.2
Unlimited SaGa (PS2) 7.2
Mugen Souls (PS3) 7.2
Metal Max Xeno Reborn (PS4) 7.2
Guardian's Crusade (PS1) 7.2
Car Battler Joe (GBA) 7.2
Monster Hunter Freedom (PSP) 7
Dual Orb II (SNES) 7
The 7th Saga (SNES) 7
Hyperdimension Neptunia VII (PS4) 7
Deep Labyrinth (NDS) 7
Blade Dancer (PSP) 7
Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter (PS2) 7
Final Fantasy X-2 (PS2) 7
Fire Emblem Engage (Switch) 7
Knights in the Nightmare (PSP) 6.8
My World, My Way (NDS) 6.8
Adventures to Go! (PSP) 6.8
Rise of the Third Power (PS4) 6.8
Fairy Fencer F Refrain Chord (PS4) 6.8
Adventure Academia (PS4) 6.8
Class of Heroes 1&2 (PSP/PS5) 6.8
The Caligula Effect (PS Vita) 6.8
Exile (Genesis) 6.8
Dragoneer's Aria (PSP) 6.8
The Banner Saga 1 (PS4) 6.6
Baroque (PS2) 6.6
Omega Quintet (PS4) 6.6
Arcania: The Complete Tale (PS4) 6.6
Shadowrun (SNES) 6.6
CIMA: The Enemy (GBA) 6.6
Quest 64 (N64) 6.4
King's Field (PS1) 6.2
Ephemeral Fantasia (PS2) 6.2
Inindo Way of the Ninja (SNES) 6
Shining Soul (GBA) 6
Miracle Warriors (Master System) 6
Lunar Dragon Song (NDS) 5.8
Arcana (SNES) 5.6
Natural Doctrine (PS3/PS Vita) 5.4
Valhalla Knights (PSP) 5.4
Blaze & Blade (PS1) 5.4
Shadow Tower (PS1/PS3) 5.2
Traysia (Genesis) 5.2
Drakkhen (SNES) 5.2
Time & Eternity (PS3) 5.2
Virtual Hydlide (Sega Saturn) 5