Wednesday 27 June 2018


Hi, everybody.
The Internet today is such a harsh place to work, especially if you're a creator. YouTube is no exception, considering that earning money and/or making a living out of it is quite hard, believe it or not. You earn cash in that website thanks to Google Ads and it works just like in television; you watch everything for free but sometimes you're forced to watch advertisement, right? In YouTube, without Adblock or YouTube Red, it's the same situation. So even if you see somebody with thousands of views and thousands of subscribers, it might surprise you to know that most of the time they're barely earning anything. Some of these YouTubers have Patreon pages (like me), some others have PayPal donations accounts, etc... There's tons of ways to support a creator, artist or not, and if you don't want to help anybody financially speaking, there are also different things you can help with...without paying a single dime. So since my channel is mainly Top 10s, here is one with 10 ways you can help my channel grow for free.

One of the things that I always mention at the end of my videos is "don't forget to subscribe". Many people have lost interest in doing this extremely simple thing because they don't feel it's necessary. Sure, when you see YouTubers with hundreds of thousands (or millions) of subscribers, of course it's kind of pointless. But trust me, it's the other way around for small channels such as mine. Subscribing to it, just by clicking that red button below the video, doesn't cost you a single penny and it does help me a lot.

I know how lazy and uncaring people are nowadays with the Internet, especially since they've practically seen it all and it's quite hard to find something original in modern times, so I understand if sometimes you don't want to watch them. But hey, you don't have to; just clicking on them and letting them run for a few seconds, counts as 1 view for me and that helps me obviously gain more views, therefore, my YouTube algorythms grow.

However, if you REALLY want to help, then watching my videos all the way through the end helps me way more than the previous two ways mentioned before. Some people like to rush through the videos, especially with top 10s (they don't watch the video, they just skip it to see which game is in which place) and even though even by doing that you help me, it's a hundred times better for me if you watch the entire video from the beginning to the end.

Anything helps, ANYTHING. A small "thank you", "nice video", or even a damn "Hello", helps. If YouTube notices that people are commenting often in a video, it quickly takes it as if the video is getting popular and gaining enough attention. This makes YouTube start promoting the video on the recommendations bar on the right side of the screen, especially for people who are not subscribed to my channel. So yeah, sounds baffling, but leaving a single comment on my videos also helps me.

That's yet another thing that I always say at the end of my videos. It's pretty self explanatory, I believe; sending the link to your buddies in whatever social media you use, helps me gain more views and probably new subscribers.

Do you have a website? Twitter, Facebook group/page, blog, etc...? Posting my videos helps me quite a lot, as a matter of fact. New people will watch them and I'll probably earn a few more views and subscribers. Also, and this might surprise you, doing this increases my algorythms; YouTube notices people are sharing the video on an external website, and therefore acknowledges it as a video that's gaining more attention. More attention = more potential costumers for the ads the companies show on the videos.

This one's hard to do. I disabled it a long time ago for the same purposes but I used to have it on precisely because I didn't want those annoying ads showing up at the beginning of the video, or interrupting them halfway through. So this is hard to ask, but if you disable that thing, you won't believe how much you'll be helping me. You can close the ads or stop them or whatever, most of the time, so kindly disable adblock plus or whatever program you're using to stop blocking the ads. After all, it's the only way I have to earn a few dollars from my channel.

Like I said, you can close the ads or stop them while watching my videos. Nevertheless, in case you didn't know, if you let those ads run, if you watch them and don't close them, that helps me double time. Everytime somebody watches the ad, YouTube notices it and PAYS me for that. So if you don't mind, and if you want to help me, don't close these ads because, like I said, they're the only way most YouTubers have of earning money.

Wow, we're getting too far here, but yes; if you click on the ad or visit the ad's website, YouTube pays me. Almost nobody does this, I know. Most people have adblock plus and it's over. Others just close the ads or stop the videos. And it does sound a little crazy, but trust me, it's the truth; clicking on the ads and letting their websites load, just to take a look, GREATLY increases my YouTube algorythms and therefore, they pay me more. You don't have to buy anything or consume or whatever, just clicking on them helps quite a big deal.

If you have a YouTube channel, small or big, it might be a really good idea if you mention my channel in one of your videos. This would help me gain even more people who might want to help me by doing one, various or all the other things I mentioned in this top. In fact, it could be mutual; if you mention me in your channel, I could do the same if it's reciprocal. So if you want to do this with me, send me a PM on YouTube or Facebook and we can discuss it. Trust me, this is one thing that helps a lot and that's why it's number 1 on this top.

So that's it. There are other ways to help my channel grow without paying but those 10 are what I considered the most important. But of course, if you're willing to help me financially, you can always become my Patreon or buy my books on Amazon, Mercado Libre or Payhip. Your feedback is always greatly appreciated.
If you want to help me without paying anything, then there you have it. 10 ways to help my channel grow and support me as an artist and as a creator.

Thank you for reading.
See you next time!