Monday 4 June 2018


It's time to talk about what I used to do BEFORE I started making JRPG videos on my channel. You see, I've always had a passion for movies, especially dark, bizarre or deeply emotional ones. So my goal as an artist was not only to express myself but also to create something influenced by the many filmmakers that I grew up watching. My biggest influence of all time has been, and probably will always be, David Lynch. His films always make me feel estranged, confused and deranged in some weird ways and that's a feeling that almost nobody else has made me feel. My favourite movie by him is Mulholland Drive.
Abstract art in films have always been as well a major influence in my work, so using some elements of conceptualism and surrealism, I often manage to create such emotional havoc within them that it's really hard to swallow. To express such strong feelings is my goal, as usual, not only in my books but also on video.
Speaking of books, I made some of these shortfilms before I even attempted to publish any book I've ever written. Music, literature, videogames and movies...those are my four elements when it comes to the artist within me. Today then, I'd like to show you the four short films I made when I was younger.

This one is in Spanish but it has English subtitles made by me, so you'll be fine reading them to understand what I'm saying. It's a very suspenseful and bizarre drama about a young man who moves into a new apartment, only to find a dead body inside of it.

Unfortunately, this one does NOT have English subtitles and it's also in Spanish. Sorry. I promise I will translate it one day so you can actually appreciate it. If you still want to watch it, feel free to do so. It's an extremely depressive drama about a schizophrenic man who lives in a deranged society. It was my attempt to show how mexican society can drive a person insane...
Note: all music is by Nine Inch Nails.

This film has no dialogue so it can be watched and understood by pretty much anybody in this world. It's a very abstract short story that might make no sense to you, but if you pay attention and take a closer look...

This was just a little experiment I made; it's not exactly a short film, but just another abstract video with music from Hans Zimmer's soundtrack The Thin Red Line, my favourite movie of all time. No dialogue either, just film.

That was the last one I made. I gave up making short films not because they weren't being successful (they were, in one website dedicated to shortfilms, the first three reached around 1000 views in less than a year), but because I always felt my imagination very limited when making them. In books, I am free and can create whatever I want and transmit it in any way I want to. In films, I can't do that without money. Finding the right image, the right scenery, the right actors, the right everything costs money and in books...all is done with imagination. Sounds silly, but that is the truth.

I hope you enjoy my short films. Perhaps one day I can make another one and share it with you all. Don't forget to share your thoughts on the comments section in YouTube.

Thank you.