Wednesday 15 August 2018


It's been a while since I last posted anything here, but the truth is that I've been busy with the channel, and also STILL looking for an artist for the cover.
Sad news is, I haven't found one. All the people that I've seen in Deviantart, or personally contacted me on Facebook or YouTube, have all amazing artwork. Problems are... the ones with decent prices, are very, very talented but their style is not what I'm looking for. And the ones I'm looking for are very, very expensive (or perhaps I should say "way out of my economical possibilities" instead).

The book is ready. It has been ready for a while now, but all that's keeping me from publishing it... is the cover. I could find a very cool free wallpaper and an awesome font that might look victorian/gothic, I know I can do this (did it with another book a long time ago), but would it really help me sell the book? If I was a little famous, internationally, sure; my sole name would sell. But I am not. I may be slightly famous in my city, in Mexico, but outside my country? Not one bit. I think the guy who lives next to you is more famous than me. But fame is not the issue; covers sell, they help a lot to catch people's attention. And I know you guys have my back; I know a lot of you will actually buy it regardless of the cover, since you want to support me, because you already read one or two of my books or simply because you want to help me. I GREATLY appreciate this, I seriously do and you know that. Thank you very much for that. But what about the rest of the world? They don't know me or my channel, so how am I going to make the book visually appealling to them if it doesn't have a great cover?

Now, I have no problems with humble covers either. Like I said, I did it once with a free wallpaper and a free font, which is this:

And it was successful; it caught A LOT of people's attention because it really looks cool. But how much does it tell you? Would you know what kind of book it is just by looking at that?
I've got a few ideas, of course, about fonts and wallpapers, but I'd really like to see a cool anime cover with gothic/victorian style all over it. I know it's gonna cost me a lot of money, but I just hope it doesn't surpass my possibilities. Am I asking for too much? I know I am. However, I'm running out of time. The book has been more than ready, pretty much since this year started. I recently changed some stuff and edited it a little bit, but that was over a month ago (before I made the video on my YouTube channel). I would love to have the book ready as soon as possible. If I had a cover ready I would publish it right now, but I know that's not possible if I really want a great cover for it.

Will having the book ready for Halloween be ideal, considering it's a horror/dark fantasy novel? I guess, but artists usually take 2-3 weeks, or an entire month, to create my covers... so yep... I'm running out of time.

Again, if you're an artist, with dark/gothic style, even if it's not anime/manga oriented, CONTACT me. It's pretty much urgent. I want to have this sorted out by the end of this month (august). Or if you know someone, please do so as well. I will keep you updated.

Thank you for reading me.
See you next time!