Wednesday 21 November 2018


Hey, guys.

Ever since I got my PS Vita, I've been literally playing JRPG after JRPG on it, sometimes 4-5 at the same time, deciding which ones are worth as hidden gems or just pretty much unknown. I've also been playing some mainstream titles latley; I'm about to finish Tales of Hearts and I think I'm going to move on to YS VIII Lacrimosa of Dana after that.

Anyway, the point is that I am not so sure about the PS Vita with its JRPG library because most of its unknown/not mainstream RPGs are just dungeon crawlers in first person with absurd quantities of fan service, most of them exploiting lolis, and others are just plain mediocre. I didn't know this when I first got the Vita, of course, but I remember I stood up for its library when I made the video about the Vita vs the 3DS, saying that the Vita had a much more solid catalogue of JRPGs. Now I'm not so sure.

There are a lot of great titles, yes, most of them being mainstream like the YS games (not THAT mainstream, of course) or Tales of, or Muramasa, Trails of Cold Steel, Atelier or Final Fantasy, etc... But the truth is that there's a lot of shovel ware when it comes to JRPGs in this system. I can't believe it. However, I have managed to save a bunch of decent, kind of unknown titles for the next hidden gems video, although some of them are just not convincing me enough.

I had planned for this video to be released the last tuesday of November, which is due next week. But lately I've been dealing with these doubts about some of the games I had chosen as candidates for the Vita. I gathered 13 titles but some are just not good enough to be called hidden gems. But hey, I've included other titles in the past, in other consoles, that I now kind of regret, however there must be some people out there who will truly enjoy them and probably would never have found out about them if it wasn't for my videos. So including games that don't have me 100% convinced might not be such a bad idea, although I'd prefer to get my picks straight.

Both hidden gems and most unknown videos will happen for this console, the question is which one will be next tuesday?

Join my Patreon community to participate in the poll, which will be available until Sunday 24.