Tuesday, 10 October 2017
It has been quite a while, months actually, since I posted something on this blog. I apologize for that and promise that I will post more often from now on. The problem was that I got myself so busy with many different projects that I will tell you about on this post. But first of all, remember that I am a writer from Mexico and most of my books are in Spanish, therefore, I have been attending my original blog in that language much more than this one.
If you came here because of my YouTube channel, I STRONGLY appreciate that. I'm saying this because just recently I turned that channel into a complete English production. I took down most of my videos in Spanish and the ones that I left there with that language will be subtitled very soon. Another thing to say is that the channel was totally dead before a couple of weeks ago; I used to make reviews (in Spanish) for RPGs but most of them did not succeed. However, I noticed that my top 10s from a long time ago were a huge hit, so I promised myself that I would continue to do more videos for this channel. Its current name is Erick Landon RPG, and for now it will have barely any relationship with my literary career, but of course the point is to take advantage of its success to promote my books later on. If you're into RPGs, like me, check it out.
About a month ago I finally finished my new book The Reaper's Thorn, about a bounty hunter in the 19th century, who becomes obsessed with a wraith and starts looking for it through various places in America and Europe. I was in the process of editing and copyrighting it. Right now, I am still undecided as to whether I'll send it to publishers around the world, or to start a crowdfunding campaign for it. I will let you know sooner or later when a decision has been made.
I also have yet another YouTube channel that I started with a friend a few months ago, also about videogames, but it's in Spanish.
And last, but not least, you already know that I returned around 4 months ago to Mexico, from my trip to England. I have been trying to rebuild my business and to promote my books once again in this country. Perhaps someday I will have a good chance of leaving again, never to return. I love writing in Spanish, I truly do, but I'm not sure I'll have a future with my dark fantasy/psychological horror genre in that language. Or maybe I will, who knows?
So those are all the projects that had been keeping me busy. Hopefully, I will have more time to post oftenly on this blog. Visit my recently remodelled YouTube channel if you can.
I'll keep you guys updated.
Thanks for reading.