Saturday 23 March 2024


Hello, everybody. I'm about to launch a brand new video podcast on YouTube . In every episode, I will cover a new RPG in a full, deep analysis, meaning they're basically going to be super long reviews. Sometimes there's just so much to say about games, that I feel simple 15 minute long reviews don't do them justice. Surprisingly though, these video-podcast episodes will go between 1 and 2 HOURS long. So yeah, it's gonna be fun to say the least.

Now, I have edited all tiers on my Patreon page. Steel Sword members are now officially funding this podcast. Silver Sword members are funding it too but also have access to Erick Landon Uncensored (my private podcast that I started last year). But there's a brand new tier called Platinum Sword; in this one, you are greatly funding both podcasts but there's two extra benefits: you will get access to the video-podcast before it is posted on YouTube and you will also have a special thanks mention in the podcast itself. Note: If you are already paying 10 dollars or more per month on Patreon, you don't have to do anything. You'll get access to everything in this tier automatically.

The first episode of the show is going to cover Persona 3 Reload (but actually, I'm comparing it to all previous versions so you could say it's a full review of ALL versions). It will be uploaded as soon as possible, but I think Tuesday 26th would be the ideal release date.

Here's a little FAQ I've created for this upcoming podcast.

Q: Is this the direction the channel is going to take?

A: No. This is just new content that I'll be introducing to my channel. This is NOT the direction it'll take. I will still continue to upload regular videos (reviews, top 10s, lists, etc...).

Q: How often will this podcast be?

A: Unfortunately, I don't have a straight answer for this because this is going to be the first episode and I need to see how much funding it gets on Patreon, and how many views and revenue it gets on YouTube. The podcast is going to be public, after all, and I need to see how it does before I can commit to making a certain number of them per month. HOWEVER, I am dedicated to making at least ONE per month. I will commit to TWO per month if it does well. But I couldn't do more than 2 per month because then it would actually feel as if that is the direction my channel would take. I still want to make regular videos, so doing more than 2 episodes sounds crazy right now.

Q: Why do you need funding for this?

A: Obviously these episodes are not going to get much revenue, or even views. Hell, some might even be shadow-banned. There will be a bit of swearing, after all. And in this pilot episode, I'll be criticizing the censorship Persona 3 Reload had so... yeah, you see where I'm going. You also have to consider several things: one, the previous post I made in this blog (you've probably already read it). Two: the length of every episode. I know there are many YouTube videos and deep analyses of games with hundreds of thousands of views, but I highly doubt my podcast is going to be one of those. Which leads me to three: it's a podcast; it WILL have gameplay footage and work as a video but let's face it, most people are only going to listen to it, not watch it. So in conclusion, there's barely going to be any revenue from this. Which is why I'm asking for funding on Patreon.

Q: Why a podcast and not a full regular video?

A: It works better as a podcast (unscripted) since it's meant to be a 1-2 hour long experience. HOWEVER, I will add some gameplay footage, screenshots and wallpapers to make it watchable. But the highlight of these episodes is going to be mostly an audio-only experience. Editing a 1-2 hour long video would just take days and days of work.

*EDIT: I just finished editing the entire video and I did add a crap-ton of gameplay. I just had a lot of it already recorded so it felt like a waste not to use it. Sure, the editing is not like in my usual videos, you're gonna see entire long sequences of one recording session, be it a battle or a certain early scene, but it's there; its gameplay footage through and through, and I think that's gonna make the video just that: a video, something worth watching. Although I'd like to point out that I also added a LOT of screenshots and wallpapers for some parts. I'd say it's 70% gameplay, 30% screenshots. Of course, it's still a podcast meant to be listened to, but if someone wants to treat it as a video, it's still gonna be very entertaining to watch.*

Q: What kind of RPGs are you going to cover?

A: Popular, Classics, Mainstream, Triple A, Double A, but it also depends on how much I think I can say about any of them. Sadly, most obscure/hidden gems type of RPGs won't make the cut because there just isn't going to be a lot of interest in them. Persona 3, for example, is a very popular game and I think there'll be enough interest, relatively speaking. But say I do an episode based on, I don't know... Redemption Reapers... I'm 100% the episode would fail miserably. And not every single popular RPG or JRPG is going to have an episode. I need to leave some for my regular reviews too.

That's it for now. Hopefully you continue or start supporting me on Patreon so I can successfully launch this new content. And, if you're already a patron, hopefully you'll consider upgrading your tier if you want to fund it. If you can't financially support me, that's fine, just make sure to watch or listen to the whole video and preferably, disable your adblocker, at least for this one. 

Thanks for reading.