Tuesday 21 May 2024

10 Things You Didn't Know About Final Fantasy IX



This time I made an episode based entirely on the masterpiece Final Fantasy IX. As you may already know, this is my favorite FF ever and a very special game to me, personally. One of the first RPGs I ever played. 

It was very interesting to learn about its inception, its history and development. Many things were written in Wikipedia but I had to confirm every single one of them to see if they were legit. I was surprised to see the sources were mostly straight out of the horse's mouth. Click on the video and check the description where you'll find these sources, of course. 

I had a lot of fun creating this video. And while I am aware that this is a heavily documented game, and some of the things shown in it might already be part of your knowledge, I still feel like I added my two cents in most of them. So hopefully you'll learn more about it.

Enjoy the video!