Tuesday 15 October 2024

Top 100 Best Turn-based JRPGs of ALL TIME


Welcome to the top 100 best turn-based JRPGs of all time. No indies, no Japanese exclusives, obviously no RPGs from other regions either. Honorable mentions are at the end.

About this video...

I didn't tell anyone I was working on it. The video was planned as a surprise, but also as a follow-up to another video I did a long time ago.

On December of 2019 I made a Top 100 Best JRPGs So Far, which gained a lot of views until it practically stopped trending. This happened because many years had gone by and the video was now a bit outdated. I felt it was time to remake it, to do it again with an updated list, including JRPGs that had been released in the 20s. However, many titles have been released since then, many awesome titles I should say, and I couldn't bring myself to think of a list of just 100 again, you know? So my solution was to break it down into sub-genres, that way there would be more JRPGs added and barely any of the really good ones, that deserve to be in the video, would be left out. 

So I started with turn-based and I certainly wasn't expecting there to be more than 100 JRPGs worth including, which is why I left some honorable mentions at the end. It's incredible how people keep saying turn-based is dead, when clearly (if you watch today's video) that is definitely NOT true. And to prove my point further, a lot more turn-based JRPGs that probably deserved a spot in my list, were left out. Plus, imagine how many others aren't included just because they're indies or exclusive to Japan. A this point, only an idiot would say turn-based is dead. What about Strategy JRPGs though? Oof. That'd be interesting to see.

Well, everybody, that's as much background I can give you on the video. I hope you enjoy it. I had a lot of fun doing the list, and even editing the video. I won't do another one of these in many, many years again (probably never if agendas keep being inserted in our beloved genre), so this is it for the 100 best turn-based JRPGs ever made in my goddamned opinion.
