Wednesday 24 April 2024

Eiyuden Chronicle


Here is my full review of Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes. I'm pretty sure you've already noticed I uploaded it recently, or probably you've already watched it. But just in case, there you go. 

There were a few things I didn't mention in the review though; a couple of complaints I have with it. I left them out because they were only going to drag the review but, most importantly, they would give it a very negative connotation. It's about the recruitment of characters and about the wokenized localization. Unfortunately, this game's another victim of the horrendous DEI bullshit that's been destroying translations recently. I'm honestly still debating whether I do another video about the controversial release of this game, or if I should just move on and rant about it in my next Q&A. So, don't be surprised if you see another video dedicated to it, with me attacking the localization, or if you see nothing at all.

Thankfully, the DEI shenanigans didn't go too far like they did with Final Fantasy 16 or Fairy Fencer F 2, where there IS actual forced inclusion and a translation that's extremely woke. However, and sadly, it did affect several dialogue scenes in Eiyuden Chronicle and it shattered the humor. Still, major events, important scenes and context in them all never felt politicized to me, so at least it got saved from that.

But yeah, Mio saying "are you sure it's a he?" about a freaking golem, is a good example. A cross-dresser character named Momo is voiced by some dude in English, but at least the translation shows that Momo admits himself to be a boy, instead of something ridiculous like "I'm a guy but I feel like a girl, so I'm a girl and treat me as such". At least they had the decency to respect that. But I wouldn't be surprised if the character in Japanese was actually female and they just changed it to a boy cross-dressing just for the sake of wokeness. However, I doubt it because the Japanese actor who voiced Momo is also a dude, so... I'm very confused about this character and I wonder of Murayama himself wrote it. Whatever the case, a character like that in 2024 is pretentious if nothing else. But yeah, the Mio dialogue, Perrielle's slightly excessive display of feminist behavior, Lian's dumb jokes and stuff like that... is part of the motherfucking piece of shit localization team behind the loser that is Brian Gray. Fuck that guy and fuck the system nowadays for trying to "americanize" everything nowadays. 

And about the character recruitment, I have a big rant about some characters being unbelievably ridiculous to recruit like Celia or Reid, forcing the player to play through some really hard mini-games just to get them. It's extremely annoying and frustrating, to be honest. 

So will I make a second video about this game? Probably, yeah, just don't know yet if it'll be on my main channel to address these issues, or on my second channel as a regular rant with other topics from my Q&A livestreams. I'm sure you'll see something but don't be surprised if you see nothing. I just don't know what to think about this situation anymore since fucking liberals control the entertainment world nowadays and it's hard to find something, including a JRPG, that's not under their disgusting modern nazi rules. Are we to stop playing every JRPG with political nonsense and DEI? Are we to play nothing but Stellar Blade then? You see the dilemma now? 

I'm still trying to gather my thoughts on this. In the meantime, watch the review and share your thoughts in the comments if you want to. 

Thanks for reading.