Saturday 20 April 2024



The second episode of That JRPG Podcast is up! It's a deep analysis of Chrono Cross which includes its history, development, background, and a review of everything: story, characters, music, graphics, pacing, gameplay, battle system and ending. 

Spoilers are there but only at the end of the podcast. I give a fair warning before I talk about them.

It took me many, many years to come up with some form of proper review for this game. I've covered it to death in my channel, I know, but never reviewing it in an entire video of its own. A 15-20 long minute review felt pointless for a game as important to me as this, so I always felt if I ever reviewed it, it would have to be in a 1-2 hour long video. I couldn't think of a better opportunity than to make it an unscripted and uncensored podcast. 
