Tuesday 2 April 2024

Top 50 Best PS3 JRPGs Ever


Today I posted a Top 50 with the best JRPGs ever released on the PS3. This is part of an on-going series I actually started 4 years ago. I've covered a few consoles already and will continue to do so in the future. Keep in mind not every console's gonna be here. Some, like the SNES, don't have 50 JRPGs released outside of Japan. Remember that these tops are based on games that got an official English release. The SNES could easily be done including fan translations though, so maybe one day, but I doubt it. And there are other consoles that don't even reach 50 JRPGs even counting the ones that stayed in Japan. Finally, there are consoles that are still releasing games such as the Switch. I wouldn't want to do a "Top 50 Best So Far", these are "Ever" or "of all time" so the Switch is definitely out of the question, despite already having way more than 50 JRPGs released outside of Japan. PS4 is getting there though, I really do believe this year will probably be the last one we'll see JRPGs on it. We'll most likely just get a few next year. So maybe in 2025 I can finally do the top 50 based on PS4. But for now, check out the PS3 one. 

One small trivia I found interesting while making this video is that a big chunk of the console's JRPGs have already been ported or remastered for modern systems. It's incredible to see how many we are lacking when it comes to more retro consoles, like the PS1, PS2 or even SNES, but the PS3 got a lot of glory on modern consoles. Maybe because it was just easier to port them or remaster considering they aren't that old and run also easily on modern hardware. So if you don't have a PS3 or care for one, it might still be very worth watching the video.

Consoles I've already done a Top 50 on:

PS1 https://youtu.be/-GknCXJJr50

PS2 https://youtu.be/KKD-ic4PsV4

PSP https://youtu.be/ZzqHcJnAt34

PS3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_leqPgnzgw

NDS https://youtu.be/rVxIqXLRViY

3DS https://youtu.be/P5O4pE9naNU

Next will probably be GBA or PS Vita. Just remember I only do these once or (max) twice per year so I can't confirm yet if there will be another one this year. 

Thanks for reading and enjoy the videos!